Grimgrot Grotsnapper |
'Hold deeze hillz,' Shaggaz said. 'I go down to the planez. I find big ax I dreamd uv.'
Grimgrot nodded. He was a monster of an orc: broad as a ogre, ugly as a ogre, and as angry as a rhinox. He didn't like being left behind to hold the rear. He made that clear as he chewed the leg of a goblin who had made a joke about Grimgot that morning.
'I cum bak with ax make yu big chief!'
Grimgrot nodded. You go and when you come back I cut your throat and take big axe you dreamed of.
Mad Shaggaz left as the snow was starting to fall. Grimgrot pulled his manskin cloak about him. Not enough fat on these men, he thought. All he had were some boar boyz and trollz who had found a mountain lake and were busy wallowing in the mud and eating all the fish.
His mood cheered up when some stragglers came along. A party of Stoneaxes who stood naked as the day they were spawned, chewing thier bones and scratching at their warpaint, and some wolf riders who had gone off raiding and only just caught up with the rest.
Grimgrot killed the biggest of them to show them all a lesson. He was about to kill the next biggest when one of the boar boyz came up.
'Stunties!' he said. 'Clambering up the slopz behind us! Got stunty machines!'
Grimgrot dropped the gobbo and as the thing sprawled on the floor and gasped for breath he bent over it. 'Fight good or I'll feed you to your warg!' Grimgrot told him.
At that moment a giant stomped down from the mountainside.
Grimgrot had no idea if it was on his side or not, but he waved his battleaxe, and shouted - 'Dey iz over dere!'
The giant turned and saw the dwarves. A demon headed giant was coming up the hill. It seemed as though they knew each other. Both giants let out a great roar and charged.
Behind him Grimgrot joined the Stoneaxes, blew his warhorn and led his forces forward.
Bat rep:
Orc battlelines charge |
I lined up opposite him, with boar boys and trolls on the right, two chariots in the middle, the giant on the left, with the wolf riders, and my general with 30 savage orcs coming up the middle.
The giants were the first to meet and they had 3 rounds of combat, in which I looked like loosing straight off, when my giant was hit by the siege giant's club, and he took 5 wounds in the first round. In return, he took a great swing, which Sam's giant sidestepped. This fight continued for three rounds of combat: Sam's giant kept sidestepping the club, and in the end my giant headbutted the other, meaning he couldn't attack next turn. And stunned and bleeding, the headbutted giant was easy prey for a thump with the club, which killed him straight off.
Unfortunately, he fell onto my giant and killed him.
My boar boys and chariots and savage orcs all survived the shooting, and kept moving onwards. One chariot got a charge off on the Dreadquake mortar, and killed the crew. The other was destroyed by the flames of the hellcanon.
The boar boyz failed their animosity roll and charged into the front of the infernal guard, and fluffed their wound rolls. Fluffing wound rolls felt like the story of the game.
My trolls followed and were run down. And finally my savage orcs - who combined their charge with a chariot into the side of the infernal guard. But to wound rolls did not go well, and lost the first round of combat, and unfrenzied were unable to hold their own.
I managed to cut down the dwarf sorcerer in the last turn, but failed my break test and Grimgrot Grotsnapper fled off table to eat goblins and worry about Mad Shaggaz being angry when he returned. Or, if he returned.
Afterthoughts: was eager to get into combat asap in order to stop being shot at. Under appreciated how tough the infernal guard were with their save and 6+ ward. Very rusty on rules, so forgot to call Waaagh, which may well have tipped some of the tighter combats in my favour.
Should have delayed the trolls another round so they could have gone into the infernal guard with the savage orcs. Also the critical point was my boar boys failing animosity and charging into the front of the dwarves, rather than sweeping through the warmachines and allowing both chariots to charge the dwarves. But not entirely sure, how badly they were rolling their wounds, they wound have done enough.
Should also have upped the Savage orc horde to 40, and stuck in a mage with the shrunken head. Felt the lack of a magic phase and shooting phase: so will be fixing this next time.
Thoughts on Chaos Dwarves: tough and solid as non chaos dwarves, with the addition of magic and very effective warmachines.
Sounds like a tough match up. I would have liked to have read Grimgrot Grotsnapper's heroics in close combat in narrative.