I kept a similar army to the week before, dropping the trolls, putting the two chariots into one unit, and adding my night goblins as fodder. But the aim remained the same: to use cheap disposable units to thin the enemy down, so by the time my orc infantry came along, they'd be able to sweep up the survivors and steal all the glory over the dead bodies of the goblins.
Additions were a pair of mangler squigs, the savage orc shaman with a shrunken head, and two units of 20 night goblin archers with two fanatics apeice, and a column of 50 night goblins with spears, full command and a grizzly night goblin war boss with a great axe. Oh yeah, and two rock lobbers...!
The Battle
Jeremy had gone for a solid combat army of two white lion hordes on either side of a hill, where 60-odd Lothern Sea Guard sheltered a lvl 4 mage with the book of Hoeth.
I got to go first, and charged forward, only one animosity roll being failed - a unit of goblin archers fighting over a rabbit while the savage orcs chaffed behind them.
The first couple of turns my giant ran behind the bsb lions, a mangler squig was killed by bowshots, and the last got into contact, and managed to sweep through all three enemy units.
The goblins also came up and released their fanatics into the W Lions where Korhil sheltered, killing many.
The mangler squig being able to run down the line forced the elves forward, and Korhil's surviving white lions ran into the goblin column, while the sea guard used mindrazor to destroy a unit of goblins, overrun into the boar boars, who were promptly skewered and all 16 killed to a man.
Korhil killed the nightgoblin warboss, but his unit was hit in the flank by two chariots, and more fanatics, which left him standing alone - and he broke and fled and was cut down by a snickering horde of night goblins.
The crucial combat was the spearmen overrunning into the savage orcs, who were enfeebled to str 1, and were facing mindrazored spearmen.
The 5+ ward proved indispensable, and a couple of rounds of combat, and a unlucky magic phase let the spearmen down.
The mage was killed in combat, and the surviving spearmen were run down.
The end of the game came with the chariots, giant and savage orcs all charging into the bsb's white lion unit.
A ferocious battle ensued, which ended in turn 6, with the last white lion standard bearer still courageously fighting on.
A fun and crazy game, which was closer than it looked at the end. The mage only got a couple of spells off, but his shrunken skull saved the game, keeping my combat unit in the fight, when mindrazor and enfeebling foe were hamstringing them.
Mindrazor turned my boar boys into kebabs, and the savage orcs were lucky with their saves - rolling well on their 5+ wards.
The rock lobbers were fairly useless: hitting only once, and both crews managing to destroy their war machines by turn 3.
The manglers and fanatics did a great job whittling down the enemy.
Mad Shaggadz came out of the dwarf gateway. Fires were still burning. The smell of elf meat cooking mixed with the mushroom brews that the night goblins were busy stirring.
'Itz not dere!' he said and clobbered a few gobbos who were stupid enough to get in his way. 'Up! Up! We move on!'
Excellent stuff man! I can't wait to put Shaggadz in his place myself.